Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Maddie and her seizure monster

Well the last couple of days have not been very good here for my sweet Maddie, she had 3 seizure episodes yesterday (Tuesday) and 3 episodes today. However, she is a tough cookie and she fights through the episodes and continues to play and look at me with those big beautiful blue eyes and wonderful smile. I called her Neurologist and he increased her Keppra and put her on another Medication for the next three days. She is cutting her last four back teeth so he said the pain from that could be causing the increase in seizures, but we still are not sure what causes them, and may never know. Maddie has a MRI Saturday at Children's Hospital and maybe we will get some answers from that as to how quickly her brain is developing. Please help us pray that we can control her seizures and that they will stop on their own with time. The scared look in her eyes when she is having a seizure absolutely tears my heart apart because I can not stop them or take them upon myself. Please also pray for her for Saturday, she has to get anesthesia for the MRI and that always scares me. I will update with the MRI results as soon as I get them. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers!

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