Monday, October 31, 2011

Fall Fun 2011

Hello everyone, I know it's been awhile so here goes some new things going on at the Smith household. Maddie has started with a new Physical Therapist and she is great and high speed. Maddie is sitting up on her knees now and playing some, of course with someone standing by for when she gets tired. We are working on her standing and getting the walking movement started because she will get her gate trainer/walker soon...yay!! She is doing better with her seizure activity. She is still having head drops but they are not anything like the seizures she was having. These are much less intense but we are still praying that all of this seizure activity stops soon. Maddie is progressing slowly but surely. She still isn't talking but she communicates in her own way when she smiles at me while we are playing. She is eating baby food better now, so thats awesome, and she will now drink more juice. Over all everything is good and we are just blessed to have such a sweet precious baby girl. I love this time of year so we are doing more things outside to get out of the house and get some fresh air. Maddie just had her first trip to the beach recently and loved it. It was a much needed vacation for Jason and myself as well. Anyway that's all for now. I will post more soon. Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers. :-)

Maddie, Haley and Hayden being silly

Her new Jam Jams(pj's) that the sweet ladies at granddaddys work got her

Maddie riding a pony for the first time

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