Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year Brings New Adventures

Hello everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, we sure did. We are very blessed to have such a great family who is always here for us and of coarse Maddie got so many great toys and outfits for Christmas. In November of 2011 Maddie got her Rifton Walker which is teaching her how to walk and move her legs to loosen up to become more mobile. YAY! She is progressing great with her walker, each week I take it to her therapy session on Tuesday and we work with her on moving in it by herself and learning to trust herself with movement because that's a huge part of her learning how to walk. She is standing great now, not by herself, but we are getting there. Our biggest challenge is getting her to stop throwing her head back which causes her to lose her balance. Throwing her head back is a game to her and I love that she is playing but it's a BAD habit we are trying to break. She is so much more focused now on people and things and is even playing and engaging in toys a bit, she has her favorites of coarse, anything that makes noise. :-) She is so precious and is trying so hard to talk, so will, and it will be worth the wait I know. She is eating stage 3 food now right out of the jar without choking, which is AWESOME!! I'm so proud of her. She is progressing a little more every day and her seizures are light now and only upset her if she drops her head quickly. She is sleeping all night now and staying awake all day with only a short nap, which is also helping her to progress and learn. We thank you all so much for you thoughts and prayers, and please continue to pray that the seizures stop completely with time.

Maddie first time EVER laughing!!!

My happy baby kicking and playing while waiting on her Doctor at Children's Hospital

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